Top 10 IoT Trends

Appended below is a list of top 10 IoT impacts that will leave you amazed by the end of the article. It is so because a massive change is going to take place in the arena of technology. 

1. Smart Cities

The concept of smart cities has taken the world by storm. IoT has made it easier for the government to do all the planning and solving problems at a much larger scale. Everyday problems like traffic jams, safety issues will get resolved in a faster and effective manner.  

2. Better Data Analysis

Do you procrastinate taking major decisions in your life and business? If yes, IoT is there to rescue you. In the coming days, IoT with the help of AI will get connected to the world and help in better data analysis than an individual. It will take crucial decisions after analyzing different factors that skip an individual’s mind. So ultimately it’s growing to improve the lives of people around.

3. Energy Monitoring and Management

Energy monitoring and management have always been inefficient. There’s a need to bring in more transparency and this can be realized with the help of IoT. A lot of unnecessary expenses can be saved. Energy consumption can be done is a more streamlined manner.  IoT platform for Smart Metering head end and meter data management functionalities assists in managing energy consumption effectively and efficiently. 

4. Healthcare Industry

Health is the most important thing for an individual. IoT will transform the face of the healthcare industry. Companies will manufacture devices that people can wear around the clock. They won’t have to visit the doctor for unlimited tests and check-ups. Also, it will lead to a healthier lifestyle.

5. Transportation Industry

The transportation industry is one of the most important industries. A lot of other industries are dependent on the transportation industry for their business. With the IoT transforming the way computers exchange data without any human interference, the transportation industry has a lot to benefit from it. Transportation of goods and services from one state to other can be regulated efficiently. With the help of IoT, delayed deliveries can be avoided and customer service can be improved to a large extent.   

6. Solar Power Plant Monitoring

With the exhaustion of non-renewable energy, the government is focusing its attention on renewable sources. One such source is solar energy. Solar plants are being installed everywhere to produce electricity. But with that, there’s also the need to monitor these plants. With the assistance of IoT based solar power monitoring systems, controlling solar power plants is not so technical or difficult today. 

7. Software as a Service Norm

Amongst the top 10 IoT trends, software as a service norm is gaining a lot of momentum. In the coming days, there’s going to be a lot of demand for it in the market. In the IT game arena, this trend is becoming everyone’s favourite. The day is not far when everyone’s life will become easier and simpler because of SaaS.

8. Smart Home Devices

Imagine a life where every appliance in your home is connected with your mobile. Wouldn’t it be simply amazing to control everything from a single device? Today, youth is realizing the power of smart home devices and the advantages that follow. The demand is going to increase a few years down the line and companies will have to develop smart electronic devices to meet the need. 

9. Remote device/equipment Management

With the help of IoT, you can control all the home and office devices from a distance. Not only that but you can control the equipment in your factories from a distance. IoT is focusing on making lives simpler and easier. They are trying to achieve this by removing the need for human interference as much as possible. You can turn on ACs, TV, refrigerator, and other devices of home from the comfort of your office. 

10. Manufacturing Industry

A lot of manpower is required in the manufacturing industry. It can be costly and time-consuming. To make things easier with the help of IoT, companies are investing in technology that can monitor the entire process without human interference. Secure remote access for devices and equipments helps us to save a lot of manpower and man-hour and productivity cost. In the longer run, companies will be able to produce more due to increased productivity.
The list of trends that are simplifying the lives of people around is endless. This was a list of top 10 trends that are going to transform the way things function at the local and national level. Just wait for it to change your life experience.
Top 10 IoT Trends Top 10 IoT Trends Reviewed by Tejkiran Kushwaha on July 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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