Email Marketing and Automation

Email Marketing and Automation

Email marketing is the process of sending commercial messages through email to targeted consumers.
Automation is the use of machines and technology to make processes run on their own without manpower.

Email Marketing and Automation: The process of sending commercial messages through email to targeted consumers by the use technology to make processes run on their own without manpower


·       Email marketing is beneficial because it is fast, efficient, and cost-effective. Using this method of marketing provides you the means of reaching out to potential customers and retaining existing ones by encouraging repeat visits to a site.
·       Email marketing software and automation tools make sending and monitoring email campaigns easier.

Steps for running email marketing:

  1. You need to set your goals first
  2. Start building a targeted email list
  3. Know your audience and understand their pain points
  4. Craft a convincing email content
  5. Pick the right email marketing service tools like Mailchimp, Drip, etc.
  6. Plan your follow-ups

Email Marketing and Automation Email Marketing and Automation Reviewed by Tejkiran Kushwaha on July 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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